Friday, May 23, 2014

BEWARE OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING, Haiyan victims warned

A female police officer who intercepted a suspected case of trafficking of five young girls from Tacloban City attributes her alertness to her training on human trafficking provided by the United Nations Population Fund and its partners in the campaign against gender-based violence.

The five girls, aged between 10 and 15, were onboard a bus leaving for Manila in Abucay bus terminal just before Holy Week when the police officer, with social welfare officer Carmela Bastes from the Tacloban City Social Welfare and Development Office, held them. The girls were traveling with four adults claiming to be members of a non-government organization helping survivors of typhoon Yolanda.

When asked by the police officer, the girls said they were going to Manila but could not give further information. The suspecting police officer and CSWD worker then invited the girls and their adult companions for further questioning at the police station.

The four adults, including a woman in a nun’s habit, reportedly arrived in Leyte on April 9 and conducted relief goods distribution in one barangay in the municipality of Marabut, where the girls live. (opt)

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